Help! I’m Embarrassed About My Eczema

Eczema describes a group of chronic skin conditions affecting approximately 31.6 million Americans. The most prevalent form is atopic dermatitis, but there are seven types of eczema, and they each have their unique symptoms and triggers.

In most cases, eczema peaks in early childhood. However, 1 in 4 people develop symptoms well into adulthood, such as:

Eczema symptoms can vary. For some, they’re mild, but for others, they’re moderate or severe. They can even cause embarrassment because of their appearance and interfere with daily life. 

Our team at Advanced Allergy & Asthma provides cutting-edge strategies to disrupt chronic issues like eczema. If you have this skin condition, we recommend taking these steps.

Get an accurate diagnosis

Your skin has a natural barrier of moisture that protects you from allergens and bacteria. However, when you have eczema, your skin lacks this protective coating. As a result, your immune system kicks in and activates inflammation in response to specific triggers.

Eczema isn’t contagious. However, it’s common to have other conditions at the same time, such as:

Scheduling an exam with a specialist can help identify your skin’s sensitivity and what’s driving your flare-ups. Based on our findings, we can create a personalized treatment plan designed specifically for you.

Follow your treatment plan

We take a comprehensive approach to managing symptoms and flare-ups, which is why a proper diagnosis plays a critical role in controlling your condition.

Once we know what’s to blame for your reactions, we could recommend several strategies, such as medicated creams, allergy medications, and immunotherapy. We also recommend avoiding things that trigger your symptoms. 

Common eczema triggers include:

An essential part of your treatment plan also involves keeping your skin moisturized. This includes drinking plenty of water, running a humidifier, and applying high-quality moisturizers several times a day. To help, we guide you to the best skin care products and bathing practices for sensitive skin — like using lukewarm water instead of hot and patting your skin dry with a towel rather than rubbing it.

Coping with flare-ups

With the right treatment strategy, you can reduce the frequency and severity of your flare-ups, but they can still happen. And, if they do, we can help.

The exact cause of eczema isn’t known, and triggers are different from person to person. Keeping a journal can help identify sensitivities that we may not be able to test for, like being under emotional stress.

The more information we gain about your symptoms and what’s behind them, the more we can adapt your treatment strategy. For example, if you have a lot of stress in your life, making lifestyle changes or adding meditation techniques to your daily routine could ease your flare-ups.

Tired of being embarrassed by your eczema? Let us help. Contact Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, by calling or booking an appointment online today.

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